
OpenAPI Generator

Generating docs for OpenAPI schema


Install the required packages.

npm install fumadocs-openapi

Generate Styles

The interactive UI of OpenAPI integration is styled with Tailwind CSS, it doesn't include a pre-built stylesheet by default. You must use it in conjunction with the official Tailwind CSS plugin.

Add the package to content under your Tailwind CSS configuration.

import { createPreset } from 'fumadocs-ui/tailwind-plugin';
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
export default {
  content: [
  presets: [createPreset()],

Generate Files

Create a script:

import { generateFiles } from 'fumadocs-openapi';
void generateFiles({
  input: ['./petstore.yaml'], // the OpenAPI schemas
  output: './content/docs',

Only OpenAPI 3.0 is supported.

It doesn't allow JSON schema specific keywords like const, as they are unsupported

Generate docs with the script:

node ./scripts/generate-docs.mjs

Fumadocs OpenAPI generates MDX content directly, you can use a formatter (e.g. Prettier) to format the output files.

Generate Page Tree

You can add the attachFile to decorate the page tree with Source API.

It adds a badge to each page item.

import { createMDXSource, defaultSchemas } from 'fumadocs-mdx';
import { z } from 'zod';
import { loader } from 'fumadocs-core/source';
import { attachFile } from 'fumadocs-openapi/source';
const frontmatter = defaultSchemas.frontmatter.extend({
  method: z.string().optional(),
export const utils = loader({
  source: createMDXSource(map, {
    schema: {
  pageTree: {
  // other props


The official OpenAPI integration supports:

  • Basic API endpoint information
  • Interactive API playground
  • Example code to send request (in different programming languages)
  • Response samples and TypeScript definitions
  • Request parameters and body generated from schemas


View demo.


You can also pass options to the generateFiles function.


An array of input files (path), wildcard allowed.


Path to the output directory.


Customise how the page is generated, default to file.

modeGenerate a page for
tageach tag
fileeach schema
operationeach operation (method of endpoint)
import { generateFiles } from 'fumadocs-openapi';
void generateFiles({
  per: 'tag',

Group By Folder

In operation mode, you can group operations with folders.

import { generateFiles } from 'fumadocs-openapi';
void generateFiles({
  per: 'operation',
  groupByFolder: true,


A function that controls the output path of files.

import { generateFiles } from 'fumadocs-openapi';
void generateFiles({
  name: (type, file) => {
    return; // filename


The imports on the top of MDX files. When not specified, it imports the required components from the package itself.

import { generateFiles } from 'fumadocs-openapi';
void generateFiles({
  input: ['./petstore.yaml'],
  output: './content/docs',
  imports: [
      names: ['Component1', 'Component2'],
      from: '@/components/ui/api',


Customise the frontmatter of MDX files.

By default, it includes:

titlePage title
descriptionPage description
fullAlways true, added for Fumadocs UI
methodAvailable method of operation (operation mode)
routeRoute of operation (operation mode)
import { generateFiles } from 'fumadocs-openapi';
void generateFiles({
  input: ['./petstore.yaml'],
  output: './content/docs',
  frontmatter: (title, description) => ({
    myProperty: 'hello',

Generate Code Samples

Generate custom code samples for each API endpoint.

import { generateFiles } from 'fumadocs-openapi';
void generateFiles({
  input: ['./petstore.yaml'],
  output: './content/docs',
  generateCodeSamples(endpoint) {
    return [
        lang: 'js',
        label: 'JavaScript SDK',
        source: "console.log('hello')",

In addition, you can also specify code samples via OpenAPI schema.

        - lang: js
          label: JavaScript SDK
          source: |
            const planter = require('planter');
            planter.list({ unwatered: true });


Customise how components are generated.

import { generateFiles, createElement } from 'fumadocs-openapi';
void generateFiles({
  input: ['./petstore.yaml'],
  output: './content/docs',
  renderer: {
    Root(props, child) {
      return createElement(
        '<div className="bg-fd-secondary p-4 rounded-lg">Demo Only</div>',

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